SURE Service Plan

Protect your Apple devices

Why You Might Need It

Unforeseen accidents? Well that happens.

But what’s next is unforeseeable cost of repair that comes along with the damaged device. Here’s where SURE Service Plan comes in!

Get your favorite Apple Devices covered with “SURE Service Plan” where at a nominal fee, your device will eligible for physical repair or replacement for up to 24 months (From Purchase Date).

Want to Read More?

Select Devices type below and read more.

iPhone, iPad & Apple Watch

  • Valid only when purchased together with an iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch at Urban Republic.
  • T&C apply.


  • Valid only when purchased together with a Mac at Urban Republic.
  • T&C apply.

SURE Service Plan (SSP) Summary

Plan Purchase Eligibility​
The SURE Service Plan (SSP) can only be purchased at the time of buying a new Apple device in-store.​

Replacement Conditions
If the enrolled Mac hardware suffers irreparable damage, a replacement device will be provided. However, the replacement will not include original box packaging or relevant peripherals.​

An Added Fee will be charged for such replacements.​

Top-Up Fees​
​If the cost of repair or replacement exceeds the covered value (the purchase price of the Apple device), the Enrolled Subscriber must pay the difference as a Top-Up Fee to proceed with the Service Claim Request.

​Approval of Service Requests​
​Each Service Claim Request is subject to evaluation and approval by the appointed Authorised Apple Service Provider.​

Tax Exclusion​
The Added Fee does not include the 8% Sales and Services Tax (SST), which will be applied separately.​

Definitions, Terms and Conditions


“Enrolled Device” means one Eligible Device purchased by you or one Replacement Device provided by us to you under the SURE Service Plan.

The Enrolled Device, designated by you at the time of enrolment and identified by the International Manufacturer’s Equipment Identification (IMEI), Electronic Serial Number (ESN) or Mobile Equipment ID (MEID), must be registered in your name, on the issued Cash bill to you.

“Eligible Device” means the wireless mobile device that we have designated as eligible for enrolment under the SURE Service Plan as set forth in the list of Eligible Devices and device tier available from us from time to time.

“Replacement Device” means a wireless mobile device (whether new or refurbished) of the same make, storage and model (but not necessarily colour), or if the same make, storage and model is not in stock or the production for the Eligible Device is discontinued by the original equipment manufacturer, the replacement device will be a different model of similar feature, functionality and fair market price to the Eligible Device at the time of the Service Request (but may not be the same brand or model), with the same operating system and will not be a model that is older than the Protected Equipment, which we will provide to you in the event of a Failure of the Eligible Device.

Replacement Equipment becomes Enrolled Device once it has been delivered to you or acknowledged receipt by you.

“The Plan” means the SURE Service Plan in which you have enrolled in which you are eligible for repair claim or replacement service (subject to approval)

“Switch - Authorised Apple Service Provider” means the location or locations that serve as a repair or replacement facility for the SURE Service Plan and supply replacements for Protected Equipment.

“Enrolled Subscriber” means Switch or Urban Republic customer who has accepted The Plan offered by Switch / Urban Republic and has paid all applicable fees due with respect to the Enrolled Device.

“Added Fee” means the amount the Enrolled Customer pays towards his or her approved service request.

“Service Claim Request” means the request for service that you file with us when your Eligible Device requires a physical repair / replacement.

“Physical Damage” means the damage on your device that requires a Service Claim Request

Terms & Conditions

1. Plan Overview
SURE Service Plan is a Plan that provides Service Claim Request (Physical
Damage) on Apple devices that aren’t covered by manufacturer’s warranty for 12 months, from date of purchase.

A service claim request can be made at any time during the 12- or 24-month
period, depending on the purchased plan, and covers up to the value of the
Apple device at the time of purchase, whichever ends first between the insured amount or the covered period.

2. Eligible Devices
iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch / Mac

3. Service Claim Request
Service Claim Request can be made for any form of repair on the Enrolled Device
for physical damage, so as long as the device is present.

A service claim request can be made at any time during the 12- or 24-month
period, depending on the purchased plan, and covers up to the value of the
Apple device at the time of purchase, whichever ends first between the insured amount or the covered period, subject to approval based on the pre-service diagnostic situation (Refer to No.5,6,7,8)

Should Service Claim Request repair / replacement exceed the Purchase Device
Value, the Enrolled customer can choose to top up with the balance difference
in order to proceed with the Service Claim Request.

Each approved Service Claim Request is subject to a non-refundable flat fee
Added Fee Charges. (Refer to No.9)

We will require you to provide proof of purchase for the Enrolled Device and/or
your government-issued photo ID., a copy of your wireless bill, and/or other
documentation or information as reasonably necessary to establish your identity and right to Service Claim Repair.

4. Manufacture’s Warranty

The SURE Service Plan complements with the Apple manufacturer’s warranty, which is typically valid for one year from the purchase date of the Apple device.

Please refer to the manufacturer’s warranty provided with your wireless mobile
device or through the manufacturer’s website to understand what protection is
offered and the duration of the manufacturer’s warranty.

5. Eligible Claims

i) Physical Damage Repairs: Service claims can be made for any repair of physical damage on the enrolled device, provided the device is present and the serial number can be retrieved and matches the serial number registered on the proof of purchase.

ii) Camera Laser Damage: Although damage caused by negligence is generally not covered, the company allows one-time FREE service claim for camera laser damage. From the second instance onward, added fee will apply until the policy's insured amount is fully utilised.

iii) Front Display Crack: The front display crack repair is free for the first instance, covering both the service fee and any added fee. From the second instance onward, added fee will apply until the policy's insured amount is fully utilised.

6. Non-Eligible Claims

i) Negligence: Damage caused by negligence, except for the camera laser damage (Refer to No 5.ii)

ii) Unauthorised Repair: During the Service Claim Request diagnostic phase, should your Enrolled Device be detected to have underwent a repair from any unauthorised service repair or contains non-original Apple parts, the appointed Authorised Apple Service Provider has the right to refuse to proceed with the Service Request & return the Enrolled Device back to the Enrolled Subscriber.

iii) Stripped Security Screws: The device with the stripped security screws condition is ineligible for any service claim.

7. Locked Device

If you file a Service Request, we will ask you at the time you file your
Service Claim Request to disable any locking feature on your Enrolled Device,
such as the “Find my iPhone”.

If you fail to disable the locking feature, we may, in our sole discretion,
decline to approve your Service Claim Request. You may avoid having your
service request denied by disabling the locking feature on your protected
equipment at the time you file your service request.

8. Unauthorised Repair

During the Service Claim Request diagnostic phase, should your Enrolled Device be detected to have underwent a repair from any unauthorised service repair or
contains non-original Apple parts, the appointed Authorised Apple Service
Provider has the right to refuse to proceed with the Service Request &
return the Enrolled Device back to the Enrolled Subscriber.

9. Added Fee

A non-refundable Added Fee applies to each approved Service Claim Request.

The Added Fees are applicable to each approved Service Claim Request and are
payable to the appointed Authorised Apple Service Provider.

You will be informed at the time you submit your Service Claim Request of the
applicable Added Fee.

10. Policy Changes

The company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time
without prior notice. Revised terms and conditions will be posted on the
company’s website immediately. Please check the website regularly to stay
informed of any changes.