It depends on each merchant’s return and refund policy. As long as the merchant agrees to the refund, we’ll immediately process your refund.
If you receive a full refund, any unpaid instalments will be cancelled , and the amount already charged will be refunded. For example, if you’ve made your first repayment, we’ll cancel the two other instalments and you’ll also get your first instalment refunded. With a partial refund, refund amounts are taken off your next scheduled instalment first. For example, if you bought two items that cost RM45 each and paid your first instalment of RM30, you will receive a partial refund of RM45. Your third instalment will be cancelled and you’ll only pay RM15 for your second instalment. Any excess balance will be refunded to your debit or credit card.
Two items: RM90 (30 x 3 instalments)
Partial refund: RM45
Amount due: RM45
First instalment = RM30
Second instalment = RM30 (-RM15)
Third instalment = RM30 (cancelled)
Your Atome account will be updated to reflect the full or partial refund under the “Bills” tab.