Why Everyone Should Work In Retail Once in Their Lives

Hey there! Ever wondered what it's like to work in a retail store? Working in retail can be an eye-opening experience that offers valuable insights into human behaviour, the business world, and yourself.
Apply NOW. Walk into any of our Urban Republic / Switch outlet to apply, or email to jobs@urbanrepublic.com.my or jobs@switch.com.my
Here are 5 reasons why everyone should work in Retail once in their lives:
Reason #1: Stepping into a retail role exposes you to a wide range of personalities beyond your immediate circle of friends and family. It allows you to view people and businesses from new perspectives, fostering empathy, patience, and respect for individuals from all walks of life.
Reason #2: Working in retail acquaints you with the realities of consumer behaviour. You'll encounter both friendly and challenging customers, experiencing the joys of helpful interactions as well as the frustrations of difficult encounters. These experiences can improve your ability to handle real-life situations both within and outside the retail setting.
Reason #3: Balancing work hours that may not align with your preferred social or personal schedule can instil a greater appreciation for the time you have off. It also cultivates empathy for those who work during holidays, evenings, and other unconventional hours when you encounter them in the future.
Reason #4: Retail work extends beyond customer service. It exposes you to marketing, merchandising, inventory management, logistics, and numerical challenges. You might surprise yourself by discovering what aspects you enjoy most, find least desirable, and where your strengths excel.
Reason #5: Collaborating with colleagues in a retail environment provides opportunities for personal growth. Working as part of a team, even in competitive situations involving commissions, teaches valuable lessons and helps you strike a balance in your work habits. It's an invaluable experience that working alone cannot replicate.
Remember, if you're intrigued by the prospect of retail work, consider applying now. You can walk into any of our 130 UR retail outlets in Malaysia to apply in person, or simply email your application to jobs@urbanrepublic.com.my. Don't miss out on this chance to broaden your horizons and gain valuable life skills through a retail job!